for Schaumburg Village President 2019
Passion • Experience
A Citizen Candidate with a JD/MBA who was born and raised in Schaumburg and stands for transparency, inclusion and responsiveness
March 18, 2019
Early Voting Commences - Punch Number 1 to Win!
Be sure to vote early if you can starting Monday, March 18th. Show your support by electing Matt to be a great Steward for Schaumburg! Remember, Matt made it easy to find him on the ballot by nabbing the top spot and even earned some free press for staying above the fray by avoiding mudslinging! Click the following link for more on this at https://abc7.ws/2Wroeop!
Early Voting will be held in Schaumburg at the Trickster Art Gallery, 190 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg, IL 60193.
If you can't make it out early or prefer to vote on Election Day, click the following link to find your polling place on April 2nd:
March 17, 2019
Community Connect Town Hall and Live Debate
On March 17th from 5-8pm at Embassy Suites, Matt Steward participated in a town hall and live debate hosted by Desi Junction! This was a lively marathon of a debate!
The closing statements can be viewed at following link:
And the full 2 hours is available at the following link:
March 16, 2019
Voice of Indian American Voters Candidate Forum
On Saturday, March 16th from 3-5pm at the Fairfield Inn in Schaumburg, Matt participated in a public candidate forum hosted by the Voice of Indian American Voters! It was a great discussion with involved members of our community!
March 2, 2019
Desi Junction Radio Interview
Matt Steward was interviewed in depth live in studio during a conversation with Jassi Parmar and Keerti Thakkar of locally based but internationally renowned radio station Desi Junction on Saturday March 2nd.
Click the following link to view the video of the full interview:
February 23, 2019
League of Women Voters shares Candidate Forum video
Matt Steward participated in a candidate forum on Sat., Feb.. 23rd at the Spring Valley Nature Center. The League of Women Voters of the Palatine area sponsored this and have authorized us to share the video from this event on our website but pleas note, this does not reflect an endorsement by them.
Click the following link to watch the full forum:
February 11, 2019
Daily Herald Editorial Board hosts candidate group interview to help determine their endorsement
Our beloved local newspaper held a live candidate group interview webcast live and archived on their site. Matt Steward is the only candidate opposed to video gambling so he's our only chance to keep that out of our community! Matt is also the only candidate talking about how the village can help alleviate income inequality as well!
Click the following link to view the live webcast:
January 26th, 2019
First Candidate Forum a big success!
Matt Steward participated in the first candidate forum at 8am on Sat., Jan. 26th at Chandler's. According to several audience members, his was the most compelling presentation made! Thanks to all who attended to participate in a great discussion with residents about their concerns on such a cold morning!
Click the following link for the full story:
December 20, 2018
Press Release announces new website and candidate Facebook page
In a full release to local Press, Matt Steward announced his Website and Facebook Candidate pages have gone live.
Click the following link to Matt's Candidate Facebook page:
December 3, 2018
Top Ballot position determined by lottery
Matt Steward will be in the first position on top of your April 2nd ballot through a lottery held between the 2 candidates who filed when the registration period first opened! No need to look any further than the first and best option so please vote!
November 19, 2018
New names join Schaumburg village board races
Matt Steward officially launched his campaign by registering his nomination documents with the Schaumburg Village Clerk. Matt waited until then out of respect for the outgoing Village President who has decided not to run for re-election.
Click the following link for the full story: